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Branded Filming Guide
8 Key Tips for Filming a Successful Brand Video The simple secret to a wildly viral video is to grab a viewer’s attention within the...
Editing & Recording Voiceovers
Editing Since you filmed a few different angles of the process - when editing you can have fun with it! Toggle back and forth between top...
Shotlist, Filming Hooks & Afters
Hooks Hooks are super important to make your video relatable! In store shots, thrift store shots, befores, etc all set the stage of your...
Setting Up & Equipment
1. Create a clean, clear space! Free of anything but the items that you’re using! Anything in the background or sides will distract from...
Recording Voiceovers
1. ORGANIZE THE FOOTAGE Arrange your footage according to the chronological steps of the project. 2. WRITE THE ROUGH SCRIPT Open your raw...
Submitting Your Monthly Invoicing
On the first day of every month, you'll receive an email from Hayley that says that we are ready for your invoice. From there, go to:...
How to Film Hooks
Here’s exactly how to film by yourself in-store. 1. Clean your phone's lens. This is important to get a clear shot. 2. Lean your phone up...
Submitting Your Footage
Once you've finished filming, head back into your Monday Board. Beside your due date you'll see a link in the 'submission links' column....
Meet The Team
Have a question about pre or post-production? Email Hayley: Have a question about production? Email Kara:...
Reviewing Video Pitches
Your Monday Board is where you will review and accept pitches from the team, keep track of due dates, and find the link to submit your...
Booking Your Videos
The first step in our monthly booking process is the "Booking Email". You'll get this around the first week of the month and it'll always...
Hometalk Filming Guide
What qualities are we looking for in a project if you’re pitching an idea? Accessible: achievable by the average person and doesn’t...
Setting Up Lighting & Cameras
Setting up a well-lit, clean filming space is key for a successful video. Begin your setup with an approved background for your video....
How To Style 'Afters'
A beautifully styled after shot creates a satisfying sense of completion for the viewers, and makes your video memorable and shareable....
How to maximize your video quality!
We are big believers that good-quality videos don’t have to come from SUPER pricey cameras. In fact, today’s iPhones and Androids are...
The Art of Retaining Attention
Retaining viewers’ attention throughout your video is highly dependent on your open shots and narrative. The key is to open a curiosity...
Grabbing & Retaining Attention
Think about your own browsing experience. When you’re scrolling your own FB, Instagram, or YouTube feed, what is it that grabs your...
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